Groupon is approaching the markets with an operating loss equal to 18% of revenue. Groupon上市之际,营业损失相当于营业收入的18%。
Both posted net losses during their past two fiscal years, thanks largely to operating expenses that ate up most of revenue. 过去两个财年间,很大程度上是由于营业费用吞掉了绝大多数营收,这两家公司都处于净亏损状态。
Cell phones account for about half of all operating revenue in China's telecom industry, with short message and wireless Internet services seen as important growth sectors, the agency said. 在中国电信行业,手机业务占到了大约所有运营营收中的一半,其中手机短信和无线互联网服务被视作重要的增长点。
Article 46 Return of sales, sales allowances and sales discount shall be accounted for as deduction item of operating revenue. 第四十六条销售退回、销售折让和销售折扣,应作为营业收入的抵减项目记帐。
But faced with declining circulation and a sharp drop in operating revenue, Washington Post Chairman Donald Graham told employees-the paper stood a better chance with a new owner. 但是,在面临发行量下降和营业收入急剧减少的情况下,华盛顿邮报主席唐纳德格雷厄姆告诉员工们,邮报很有可能拥有一位新东家。
Like an operating system runs a computer, revenue makes a company go; nothing happens until somebody sells something. 就像操作系统维持电脑运转一样,收入让公司保持运转;没有销售,就什么都没有。
The net after-tax operating revenue or loss from the discontinued department prior to the authorized business cessation date. 凡企业处分某一营业部门时,其截至核准停业日止之该部门年度营业损益税后净额皆属之。
Tracks monthly operating costs and revenue to assure profitability. 每月跟踪回顾运行成本和收入以保证相当的利润率。
Analysis of Factors Resulting in the Increase of Operating Revenue in 2008 in a Hospital 某医院2008年业务收入增长因素分析
Operating profit is the balance of operating revenue after deducting operating cost, periodic expenses and all turnover taxes, surtax and fees. 营业利润为营业收入减去营业成本、期间费用和各种流转税及附加税费后的余额。
The answer may be because before the crisis the biggest contributor to ROE by far was leverage, rather than operating margin or revenue growth. 答案可能是因为,在金融危机前,对股本回报率贡献最大的当属杠杆,而非营业利润率或营收增长。
The illicit gains of a penalized unit or individual which are returned or confiscated shall be deducted from the annual sales income or operating revenue for the year in which the case is settled. 被处罚的单位和个体工商户,其退还或者被收缴的非法所得,应当抵减其结案年度的销售收入或者营业收入。
Among the indexes of operating revenue, sponsored research support and vast endowment income is the most important. 从其运营收入指标来看,最重要的是政府研究资助和基金收入。
Calculation of the total sale or operating revenue referred to in the preceding paragraph may be based on data obtained through investigation by the central competent authority or recorded by other government agencies. 前项营业收入总额之计算,得以中央主管机关调查所得数据或其它政府机关记载数据为基准。
In order to study the changes in passenger demand and operating revenue, the simulation result is analyzed. 使用铁路发展研究模型模拟乘客面对票价调整时的乘车模式选择取向,然后再分析模拟结果,以便研究乘客需求的转变和对地铁系统营运收入的影响。
Influence of Railway Operating Indices on Railway Freight Transport Revenue by Using Factor Analysis Theory 用因素分析理论分析铁路运营指标对铁路货运收入的影响
The Research on Balancing Operating Mechanisms of Revenue Levy, Management and Inspection 税收征、管、查协调运行机制研究
A comparability study on growth operating revenue among city, county hospital and township health center 城市医院、县医院和农村卫生院业务收入增长比较研究
This paper reviews the limitations of the major brand valuation methods and develops a model to evaluate brand value synthetically from brand operating cost, brand current revenue, and brand potential income. 回顾了国内外主要品牌价值评估方法的缺陷,提出从品牌运营成本、品牌当期收益贡献和品牌未来收益3个方面综合评估品牌价值。
In order to increase local financial income and stabilize local economic development through enhancing the operating tax system, enlarging operating taxpayer group and increasing operating tax revenue, it is of great importance to analysis the factors that influence the operating tax. 为了更好地完善营业税制度,扩大营业税税源,增加营业税税收,进而增加地方财政收入,稳定地方经济的发展,我们很有必要对营业税的影响因素进行分析。
On the basis of analyzing the functional relations between railway freight revenue and railway operating indices, this paper induced the method of calculating the influence of railway operating indices on railway freight revenue by using factor analysis theory. This paper also presented a calculating example. 在分析研究铁路运营指标与全路货运收入的关系的基础上,利用因素影响分析理论,得出了铁路运营指标对全路货运收入影响的分析计算方法,并给出了计算实例。
It had found that increase of hospital's operating revenue is mainly due to increase of medical price and medical service intensity, and the disparity of medical price at different medical institutions had been enlarging. 结果显示,医疗服务价格和服务强度的提高是收入增长的主要原因;医疗价格在不同医疗机构之间增长存在较大差别。
It needs explore the sustainable development method which can maintain self-virtuous circle, to ensure stability and long-term income, efficiently control comprehensive cost containing construction and operating cost and accomplish stable revenue and development. 需要探索能自我良性循环的可持续发展之路,确保稳定和长期收入,有效控制包括建设和运营成本在内的综合成本,实现稳定收益、稳步发展。
Ltd. develops rapidly, property scale and operating revenue increase quickly, profit ability increase rapidly, the ability of value creation is strengthen year by year. 东方电气发展速度快,资产规模和营业收入增长快,盈利能力增长快,创造价值的能力逐年增强。
The brand extension can expand TV media influence, improve television station operating revenue, and occupied more market segments. 品牌延伸可以扩大电视媒体的影响力,提高电视台的经营收入,占领更多的市场份额。
As the profit is equals to revenue minus cost, sustained growth in operating profit can be divided into increased revenue and lower costs. 由于利润等于收入减去成本,所以营业利润的持续增长按来源可以分为收入增加和成本降低这两种原因。
Due to policy constraints of financial compensation and debt, hospitals are used to relying on self-pooled fund to asset-expanding, meanwhile the empirical study confirms that the operating revenue has a significant impaction on asset increasing. 由于受到财政补偿以及债务政策限制,医院会依赖结余资金配置资产,实证研究也证实了业务收入对于资产规模增长具有显著影响。